Tony’s Story
The physical side is vitally important… but the emotional support is just as important.
For Tony, the biggest benefit of being active isn’t necessarily the physical activity - it’s the social bits and the emotional support. He has found a community through playing walking football, and enjoys playing the game as much as having a chat after. Tony was diagnosed with cancer a few years back, and finding an activity he enjoyed in addition to helping him move more was important to him. Football helps him motivate himself to be as active as he can be, even if some days that just means making it to practice to cheer on the team.
Please note that the stories, experiences, and activities depicted here were all captured prior to COVID-19. To ensure your safety, please follow the latest government ‘Stay At Home’ guidance related to COVID-19 and being active.
How Tony Gets Moving
Tony plays walking football with a team made of up older players, from their sixties to their eighties. He’s made friends with many members of the team and enjoys their pre-practice meet-ups as much as walking on the pitch. It’s the connections he’s made that motivate him to come back again and again, in addition to the fun he has while playing.
Related Resources
Here are some resources related to Tony’s story about moving more: